Laptops are something that many of us depend on for more than just work. They’re a source of entertainment, organization, and keeping in touch with loved ones. They are often a part of our daily lives and something we rely on for a wide range of functions.
That’s why, when they’re acting up, it can be more than just frustrating— it can bring our daily activities to a halt. However, not all of us were born natural troubleshooters. People over the age of 70 for example, never grew up with this kind of technology, so this is entirely new to them. Even people who grew up with laptops may know how to use them but they don’t necessarily know how to fix them.
And while nobody is asking you to reconstruct a hard drive, usually fixing laptop issues is fairly easy on your own. The first step is knowing what caused them. To help you, here are some of the most common laptop issues, and what you can do to remedy them.
Slow Running Performance
There’s nothing more frustrating than turning on your laptop and noticing that it’s taking much longer than usual to carry out basic tasks. Even something like opening your web browser is taking much longer than usual. You may start asking yourself whether you have a virus, or worse, perhaps your laptop was dropped.
Sluggish response times may not always indicate a virus, or hardware malfunction, however. Sometimes it’s as simple as too many background processes going on. Do you have too many programs running in the background?
Are you using a browser like Chrome which uses a significant amount of memory with multiple windows open? To improve the speed of your laptop, try closing any unnecessary programs, and tabs. While you’re at it, consider upgrading your RAM. This can speed up your processes significantly.
Also, don’t forget the importance of regularly cleaning up your hard drive. Any unused files or applications should be deleted regularly, as they’re only going to take up space and slow down your computer’s speed.
Overheating is incredibly common, particularly in places that have hot climates. However, not only laptops in hot climates are at risk. Old laptops can overheat quite easily, as they’re working hard to stay alive. To prevent overheating, make sure that your laptop’s ventilation fans are clear of any dust and debris. Avoid putting your laptop on unbreathable surfaces that won’t allow it to ventilate properly. In other words, don’t put your laptop on your bed or couch unless you want it to overheat quite quickly. A cool flat hard surface is always the best place to put your laptop for air to ventilate properly.